Dhokar Dalna - Fried Lentil cakes in a tomato gravy is an authentic Bengali dish. A pure Satvik dish, sans no Onions and no garlic. This was generally served on special occasions like weddings and festivals to the widows who were not allowed to take onions or garlic. I have never tasted a Bengali dish except for the famous Rasgullas. So this time for the Blogging Marathon, I decided to prepare one from the "Bengal State" and I landed on this one. A very delicious gravy with those lentil cakes, that goes well with the Rice. The "Dhokar" can be eaten alone as a snack. In fact I did gobble up pieces while frying them before I could put it in the gravy. Check out the recipes, the other marathoners have cooked here.

DHOKAR DALNA Prep Time: 10 Mins | Cook Time: 30 Mins | Yields : 3-4
Archana Potdar says
Beautifully made and pictured. I came just to see this.
I am guest hosting Healthy Salads till the 11th June ‘2013. Do send me your entries
Chef Mireille says
this looks so good - one I will def. b trying
Rajani S says
New dish for me, looks great 🙂
DivyaGCP says
This is something new to me.. Looks so delicious and inviting..
The Pumpkin Farm says
looks superb, boomarking
Nalini's Kitchen says
Sounds new to me,looks inviting..bookmarked .
Saras says
Wonderful dish this recipe is new to me. I will try soon. Happy Pongal.
Helen Prabha says
Looks delicious....have to try...btw happy pongal 🙂
Nisha says
Happy Pongal to you too.... 🙂
Priya says
Dhokar dalna looks wonderful, very inviting and comforting too..