Kumbakonam Kadappa
Onions and potatoes cooked with fennel and garlic flavoured coconut gravy. A perfect side dish for Idly / Dosa. An authentic side dish from the Thanjavur region.
Click here for there recipe
Published: · by Nisha
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Sapana Behl says
I totally loved Tambhram recipes and bookmarked many to try.Such a wonderful collection and eash dish is so beautifully presented Nisha.Lovely.
Lissa Johnston says
I've seen a couple of blogs like yours that were food-related and also have a similar template that displays the photos so cleanly in one large group. Very appealing and of course since the food looks amazing, makes you want to click!
BTW I'm putting together a Listly of the A-Z Challenge participants like yourself who are doing a recap post. Enjoy! http://themagicsaucepan.com/2016/04/a-z-conventional-tambrahm-recipes.html
Usha Rao says
I thought I commented on the recap. Delicious round up of everyday tambrahm food.
Amara Annapaneni says
So many lovely Tambram dishes from you Nisha, thoroughly enjoyed all of them. Loved doing this marathon with you.
Harini-Jaya R says
Super collection of kuzhambu n other tambram recipes. Surely a ready reckoner here.
Srivalli says
I will have to bookmark most of your kulambus Nisha..such a fantastic marathon!
Pavani N says
Amazing marathon Nisha. I thoroughly enjoyed all your traditional tambram dishes -- you sure have dug up some gems of recipes. Loved them.
Srividhya Gopalakrishnan says
Loved youd day-to-day tambram recipes. Great presentation Nisha. Kudos.
Priya Suresh says
Simply loved your tambraham recipes series, you made me hungry everytime i came to your space to comment. Well done Nisha.