The banana/plantain flower curry – Bhanda , Curry – Tarkari. The banana flower is relatively easy to cook and delicious.
The Banana flowers come packaged in a deep purple inflorescence. It has many florets neatly arrayed inside each leaf. Keep peeling the leaves and collect all the flowers in a bowl.
Take an individual flower, Open it up gently till you locate the stamen. It will be a black and relatively hard stem. Carefully remove the stamen and discard. Repeat for all the flowers.
In a wok heat a teaspoon of oil. Add cumin seeds to it. When they start spluttering in 2 seconds or so, add the grated ginger. Fry the ginger in oil for a couple of minutes.
Add the potatoes and sauté for 4- 5 minutes. Add the chopped banana flowers and sauté until the potatoes are almost done.
Season with salt, chili powder, and roasted cumin powder. Add grated coconut mix well. Remove from fire. Garnish with coriander leaves.
Bhanda Tarkari